Have you had a look at the amazing ingredients in our range of Bellabaci Genies in a Bottle? These deep treatment massage oil remedies contain 100% organic super-boosted synergies to treat your body holistically. One of the ingredients used in the Bellabaci Circuflow Genie is the potent Cape Chamomile. The benefits of Cape Chamomile has an excellent therapeutic result for the body, mind, and soul. Cape Chamomile is indigenous to South Africa and holds all the best that African soil can offer. Not to be confused with the other Chamomiles such as Roman or German Chamomile, this one, in particular, has shown to help your body, help itself.
The soft, fruity smell of this striking wild-crafted blue oil, makes it much more appreciated by the connoisseur of oil de’essentiale, as it is not as sharp as German Chamomile.
For the science-heads out there, we can tell that this oil which is a Sesquiterpene, restores molecules with negative charges (electrons) to compensate the loss of electrons of damage and inflammation. Cape Chamomile shows significant restoration where there is stress, its by-products such as elevated cortisol and insomnia. Experts even call it “The Lavender on steroids”!
Benefits of Cape Chamomile to you:
- Reduces stress and its negative impact.
- Relaxes the mind and eases tension.
- Heals and repairs skin damage.
- Powerful anti-inflammatory.
- Alleviates insomnia.
- Pain relief.
- A remedy for sunburn.
- Relieves skin rashes.
- Treats dehydration.
- Speeds up the healing and repair of bruises.
- Excellent choice for the treatment of vascular conditions such as varicose and spider veins.
Top Tip: Although The Bellabaci CircuFlow Genie treatment oil is a powerful treatment on its own, used with your Bellabaci Body, Super or Facial Cups, you can achieve professional results. Cupping Massage is an ancient treatment which stimulates your body’s natural repair and detox processes. Bellabaci has modernized this treatment for you, to use in the comfort of your own home, for just a few minutes at a time.
*The Bellabaci Hand-squeezed Vacuum suction Body or Super Cups are contraindicated for use on Varicose Veins.
View the Bellabaci Online Store HERE or contact us for more information.
2 comments on “Benefits of Cape Chamomile! Repair Your Body and Mind”
What a lovely thought for the day 🙂 Off to have my Chamomile tea break 🙂
Jo-anne Preston
definitely going to increase the Chamomile tea intake!